
主题:流动性过剩 中国处金融危机前夜?? -- 倥偬飞人

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家园 飞人这话是针对中国不再购买美国国债



Action to reduce a substantial current account deficit usually involves increasing exports or decreasing imports. This may be accomplished directly through import restrictions, quotas, or duties (though these may indirectly limit exports as well), or subsidizing exports. Influencing the exchange rate to make exports cheaper for foreign buyers will indirectly affect the balance of payments. This can be accomplished by increasing domestic inflation (e.g. by cutting interest rates), loosening monetary policy (making more money available), or adjusting government spending to favor domestic suppliers.

Less obvious but more effective methods to reduce a current account deficit include measures that increase domestic savings (or reduced domestic borrowing), including a reduction in borrowing by the national government.

In particular, it has controversially been suggested that the United States current account deficit is driven by the desire of international investors to acquire U.S. assets. However, the main viewpoint undoubtedly remains that the driving factor is the current account and that the positive financial account mainly reflects the need to finance the U.S. current account deficit.

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