
主题:【原创】房地产并未触底,房贷公司New Century狂跌36% -- 倥偬飞人

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家园 房贷公司新的噩梦:被房奴告上法庭!!

CFC, NDE和其他23家房贷公司被房奴们告上法庭,控告的罪名是欺诈性贷款,24名房奴大多是60岁以上的老人家,有固定收入,总共求偿1亿美元,不仅如此,还要求不得追帐和强制拍卖他们的房子,这样的话,房贷公司如果输了官司,那真是赔了夫人又折兵。不要小看这里只有24个人,美国法律是案例法,如果这个案子房奴们打赢了,全国的房奴都可以在类似的条件下要求赔偿,这样的话房贷公司不知道要赔多少钱了。次级房贷的野火,还要持续烧下去!

Countrywide Financial, IndyMac sued for fraud damages: New York Times

NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- Countrywide Financial Corp. (CFC : Countrywide Financial Corp

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Last: 36.70+0.32+0.88%

2:53pm 03/23/2007

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CFC36.70, +0.32, +0.9%) , IndyMac Bancorp Inc. (NDE : IndyMac Bancorp Inc

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Last: 29.90+0.52+1.77%

2:53pm 03/23/2007

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NDE29.90, +0.52, +1.8%) , and 23 other defendants were sued by homeowners asking for $100 million in mortgage-fraud damages and a halt in debt collection and foreclosures, The New York Times reported in its Friday editions.

The 24 homeowners claim that they were victims of a Ponzi scheme, according to a suit filed in state court in Mineola, N.Y., the paper reported.

The suit asks a judge to impose a new standard on lenders that would limit loans to borrowers who are deemed suitable. Most of the homeowners were over the age of 60 and had fixed incomes.

"By extending these loans, the mortgage lenders have earned, and stand to earn over time, enormous finance and interest charges," the homeowners said in the complaint, the Times reported.

Calabasas-based Countrywide and Pasadena-based IndyMac Bancorp did not immediately return calls for comment.

Newspaper Web Site: http://www.latimes.com

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