
主题:[原创] 驳不如立——也谈“一个普通美国人的工资单” -- 老瑞

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家园 If you’re talking about the

relative position (or percentile) in the whole income spectrum, then you’re probably right.

In the States, a bachelor-degree who’s been working for two years and makes 3,000 bucks per month after tax is probably at 15 percentile. In other words approximately 15% of the people within the same category (bachelor + two years working) make more than this guy, while 85% make less than him.

In China, a bachelor-degree who’s been working for two years and makes RMB5,000 per month after tax is also around 15 percentile.

So from this perspective, yes, you’re right in saying that 3,000 bucks is corresponding to RMB5,000 or so.

But the overall buying power of 3,000 bucks in the U.S. is significantly higher than that of RMB5,000 in China. To this end, 3,000 bucks is NOT the same as RMB5,000.

Holding everything else equal, a person making 3000 bucks in the States can live a much better life than a person making RMB5,000 in China, and therefore has a higher degree of satisfaction.

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