
主题:【呼吁】请关注一下《南京梦魇》的困境 -- OldBadBug

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感谢各位热心支持。刚才去看了Dr. Joseph关于日本掠夺亚洲财富的video: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4236497075003798281。 感觉他对日本二战罪行的看法还是和我们挺一致。


另外讨论的热点是值不值得支持这影片。很坦率地说,影片不完美,质量远不如一些大投入商业片精良。我个人也对其中一些内容的准确性持保留态度。但我还是支持它,因为我们需要更多的声音为我们说话。大家不妨看一下youtube上对吴海燕女士采访 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IIgRjtsH0U 的评论,比如那位Bluerayblue以“All of you people have been lying.”开篇的言语。这种情形下,我们当然应该支持一个为自己说话,为历史说话的影片。 MIT有人揣度说Joseph是利用中国人感情赚钱。 而我则真希望他能因此赚钱,而且赚大钱。如果商业利益能吸引更多的人员和投入来宣传,研究南京大屠杀,能吸引更多的人关注这段历史,又有何不可呢? 反过来,如果象电影《南京》那样因为票房失败而让进一步宣传夭折,难道是好事吗?电影《南京》年底会在美国上映,我会去看,DVD也会买,会用自己的方式支持它,支持为历史说话的声音。





PS: 约瑟夫博士不懂中文, 但是他了解是海外第一华人论坛.

中文翻译: (建议转发到其他国内网站)


要求别人帮忙, 对我来说, 很难. 但是, 表达感激之情是我乐意做的事.

在从8月18号到8月19号的24个小时里, 有300名中国人(主要是未名网站的海外华人和学生-译者注.) 站出来支持电影 "南京梦魇-南京大屠杀", 他们捐助了超过2万美元(这是实际收到的数字, 相信还有捐款支票没有收到的.-译者注). 这真的是了不起!我真正地被感动了, 我倍感荣耀.

以这个速度, 我相信到本周末将会有出现: 1000名中国人出来力挽狂澜.到这个周末, 如果捐款以这样的节奏继续下去, 我确信我们会得到足够的资金来续签版权合约和其它相关的费用.

被挽救是感觉很极好的一件事! 而所有的这300位朋友是挽救者, 因此, 正如我们期望的, "南京梦魇"有可能会一直保留在网络上.

当我在公开信里写道: "我放弃了, 我洗手不干了"等等语句时, 所有和这部电影有关的方面似乎都是绝望的, 没有出路的. 我们联系的每一家美国的音像出版商和发行商都对出版发行这部电影都不感兴趣. 中国的政府堵住了我们在中国的出路: 所有的电视台, 电影院, 和音像出版商和代理商全部都是说"不", 全部都是拒绝.

虽然这部电影有超过4百万的网络观众, 被 Youtube.com冠为 "一直以来热门讨论" 前10名., 这可以说是一个了不起的成功. 但是财务上这部电影却是一个失败, 因为连自负盈亏也达不到. 事实上, 正是由于这部影片是关于一个如此重大的历史题材, 这就让其财务失败显得更加让人伤感和失望.


每天我都收到威胁邮件或者网上的留言, 比如:"你将会像张纯如一样死去." 或者是 :"你就应该像张纯如一样死去."

每天看倒这样的威胁言论对人来说是非常压抑沉重的, 因此我能购想像张纯如当初经历的一切. 她为此失去了宝贵的生命.

因此, 当我写公开信的时候(8月16号-译者注), 我唯一的想法就是到此为止,划上一个句号, 停止所有的威胁, 所有的侮辱, 结束一切, 也逃出所有的恶性财务循环和灾难.

然后, 看到这麽多的中国人站出来挽救这部电影, 这实在是让我惊异.

我觉得这股来自中国社区的巨大反响和力量是了不起的, 尤其是数百名经济上并不宽裕的学生走上前来, 力挽狂澜, 尤其让我感动.

但是, 让我强调一点: 这不是一部我约瑟夫个人的电影, 这部电影属于所有的中国人, 属于全世界, 也属于未名网站上的每一个支持者.

所以, 让我代表需要认知"南京大屠杀"这段历史的西方世界, 说一声: 谢谢您!

朗恩 约瑟夫博士

R. Joseph, Ph.D.

8/19/2007 21:00


The Chinese 300 to the Rescue!

It is always difficult for me to ask for help. However, it is easy for me to say: "Thank you."

In the last 24 hours over 300 Chinese have stepped forward to support this film, and over $20,000.00 has been received(from Mitbbs.com and other Chinese media/websites.) . This is amazing! I am truly humbled. I am honored.

At this rate, I would estimate that by the end of this week it will be: The Chinese 1000 to the Rescue! By the end of this week, if donations continue at this pace, we will surely have raised enough money to pay the licensing renewal fees and all associated expenses.

It feels wonderful to be rescued! And all of you have rescued this film, so that, hopefully, it can stay online forever.

When I wrote my letter, informing the world that I had "given up" and was "washing my hands of this", everything connected with this film seemed hopeless. Every DVD distributor in the US had turned me down. In China, Chinese authorities had refused to allow me to show this film in theaters, on TV, and had even refused to allow me to sell the DVD of this film.

Although this film has been seen by over 4 million people, and is ranked in the Top 10 "Most Discussed Films of All Time" at Youtube.com, and can only be considered an amazing success, financially it was a complete failure and could never pay for itself. The fact that this is a great film about an important event in history, made this failure hurt all that much more.

And then there are the hate messages.

Almost every day someone posts or sends me something hateful about this film . Almost every week I get messages like: "You will die like Iris Chang."

I can only imagine what Iris Chang must have gone through. It is extremely stressful to be attacked on a daily basis. She sacrificed her life for this cause and I can understand the misery she must have been going through.

So, when I wrote that letter, I wanted only to bring this to an end and to stop the threats, the insults, and to escape from all the financial problems and misery.

Then, to my astonishment, the Chinese people to the rescue.

I am amazed at the tremendous response of the Chinese community, including the hundreds of impoverished students who stepped forward to save this movie.

However, let me emphasize: This is NOT my movie. It belongs to the Chinese people and it belongs to the world. This movie belongs to every one of you.

So, on behalf of the world, let me say: Thank you.

R. Joseph, Ph.D.

8/19/2007 21:00


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