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家园 【原创】关于美国国会和媒体妖魔化中国


Dear Mr. Lou Dobbs,

I am a frequent viewer of news programs on CNN. While I think most of the reporting is fair and balanced, I have an issue with you calling China "Communist" every time you mention that country's name, which in my view is unnecessary, unbalanced and provocative without achieving anything constructive. Instead it tends to inflame viewers' negative emotions towards a country that is very complex and that should not be generalized with such an unhelpful term. How would you like it if CCTV, roughly the Chinese equivalent of CNN, called the United States "capitalist" or "imperialist" every time it mentions its name? Would you say that would be a good journalistic practice? Would you say that would help build a positive relationship between two great nations who cooperate with each other as well as have honest differences in their views on many issues?

I know yours is a commentary type of program that is not strictly news reporting, but I don't recall any other news organization having such a name-calling practice as yours, and I can’t see a very good reason for that. The world is not black or white.


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