
主题:【原创】炊具和饮食 -- 钟山

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家园 来了。

From “The Queen Like Closet” by Hannah Woolley, 1672.

"To make a Sussex Pudding"

"Take a little cold cream, butter and flower, with some beaten spice, eggs, and a little salt. Make them into a stiff paste, then make them into a round ball, and you mold it, put in a piece of butter in the middle; and so tye it hard up in a buttered cloth, and put it into boiling water, and let it boil apace till it be enough then serve it in, and garnish your dish with barberries; when it is at the table cut it open at the top, and there will be as it were a pound ["pond"] of butter, then put rosewater and sugar into it and so eat it.

In some of this like paste you may wrap great apples, being pared whole, in one piece of thin paste, and so close it round the apple, and through them into boiling water, and let them boil till enough, you may also put some green gooseberries into some, and when wither of these are boiled, cut them open and put in rosewater butter and sugar."

Almost one hundred years later William Ellis describes making of a near identical pudding in ""The Country Housewife's Family Companion", 1750".

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