主题:【原创】奔向复苏或者奔向危机的2007 -- 葡萄
- 共: 💬 1694 🌺 1967
Thor, "the glorious son of Earth", [11] will kill Jörmungandr with his hammer Mjolnir. "In his wrath the defender of Midgard strikes" [12] but will himself stagger back nine steps before falling to the ground dead from the poison which the Serpent unleashed upon him. Then the "second sorrow of Frigg" [13] will come about when Odin fights valiantly against Fenrir but is devoured by the wolf.
After a time when the fire of Surtr has died down and the smoke and steam are dispersed, a new earth will rise up from the sea. It will be green and fair, and crops and fields will grow on their own, without sowing. All ills will be healed. "A waterfall plunges, an eagle soars over it, hunting fish on the mountain."
Then they will find in the green grass the golden playing pieces that had belonged to the Æsir when the universe was young. They will behold these objects in wonder, tangible reminders of a first golden age of peace at the dawn of time.
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😁能够虚心请教,不盲目否定,这本身就有一定水平了,现在特别难得 请尽量 字284 2007-11-16 21:49:25
🙂北欧神话? 1 东东山 字114 2007-11-16 02:08:09
🙂难道是伊核问题?伊朗已经把核武图纸提交国际原子能组织了 norly 字0 2007-11-17 01:02:34
😏唉~~~~~越来越看不懂葡萄在说什么了 赖子 字77 2007-11-16 00:39:26
🙂还是应该以扩大内需为主 kkilo 字0 2007-11-15 07:30:17
🙂赖账成功:2007财年美国政府财政赤字显著下降 无所事事 字998 2007-11-13 21:14:45
🙂美国政府的实际财政赤字要远远高于财政部公布的数据 艾略特 字80 2007-11-14 07:25:45