
主题:拉萨近况 -- Alarm

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发信人: microheart (反台独,反武统|坚信中间道路可通), 信区: MilitaryView

标 题: 关于昨天的事件

发信站: 水木社区 (Sun Mar 16 00:00:09 2008), 站内








SENDER:microheart(反台独,反武统|坚信中间道路可通), BOARD: MillitaryView

TITLE: About yesterday's event

SITE: SMTH(Sun Mar 16 00:00:09 2008), local

Since it is already publicized, let me have a few words:

On the 10th, there were some monks("lama"s) making trouble. But those were peaceful actions, like parade, plea, distributing leaflets. So the average people and the government were not quite cautious. On the 12th, our "unit"(a Chinese way calling "working place") had a meeting to inform us the situation, but that was only to tell us not to take part or to stay on the site. Yesterday before going to my office, I suddenly heard that one of my colleague's car's glass was broken on his way sending his kid to school, and the kid was hurt too. The air suddenly became tense. Our supervisor in the unit give an emergent warning that no employees should go outside, and the director of our bureau gave emergent instructions too.

When we were having the emergent meeting, I looked out of the window. I saw thick smokes hovering where the Potala Palace and where the west suburb should be.

Because it was all of a sudden, most of the police force was used to protect important bureaus and public places. The less important units were asked to organize and get prepared for self-protection. Yesterday night, our units closed the gate. All employees, regardless of whether or not he lives in the unit's dorm, were mandated to stay in the office building, and were explicitly forbidden from going out. A self-protecting team was assembled out of the employees. A watch post was set on top of our building. Yesterday, many of us, including our head of the unit, sit up the whole night. Deep in the night, a rumor came: the running water was poisoned. The head was not convinced. Although more and more of the same rumor came, he insisted that was just a trick to cause more confusion. His opinion was proved to be right today.

Today I saw APCs patrolling the street. Still, to protect ourselves, all employees were asked to stay in the building. So I do not have much information about the situation in the downtown. Currently, what can be sure is that there were people getting injured, some fires were set. Rumor says lots of people were killed, including policemen. I had a look in a nearby street. Although far from the center of the turmoil, most Han people and muslem's shops are all closed, while those of the tibetan's are still open.

The people who suffered most in this event should be those who work in commerce or entertainment, and those who do not belong to any "unit". First, they are located in the center of the break out, and second, they do not have effective organization - thus protection, also, they lack the source of information telling them how to avoid being harmed.

About the people who took part in the uprising, I think they should come from two parts: one, the monks, the other, the hooligans. Use my unit as an example, none of my tibetan colleagues were involved. The reason: on one hand, they were better educated; the other, they have a normal profession, family, and social life, which make them think again before taking part in such social turmoils.

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