
主题:【原创】由经历总结一些临场经验,供参考,并请帮助补充 -- 铁手

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碰到一个比较特殊的场景:一个喇嘛,一个西方人士。喇嘛在前面走,那个西方人士手里拿着鞭子,在后面表演“鞭打”那个喇嘛。那个喇嘛打不还手。影射对藏人的虐待。坦白说,当时的确没有想到这个,也的确没有想到好的办法应对,只能大喊,"yes, that's what you colonizer did"。旁边有很多人,但是都没有特别好的办法。我后来想,当时应该冲上去,用身体挡在那个鞭子和喇嘛之间,做保护喇嘛不被鞭打状,并大喊,I will protect you。这样,就变成了我们保护喇嘛不被西方人欺负。不知道大家有什么好想法没有。

看见这个场景,正好可以喊“You got it! That's exactly what the Tibetan slavemasters did to the Tibetan people under Dalai Lama's rule" , 或者直接 "Yeah, that's exactly what average Tibetans got treated before 1959".

关于dafur,友好点的可以这莫说:"Do you know what the main cause of Dafur conflict? It's the population there that has outgrown the resources available, esp. water. Through the presence of Chinese business there, China has been creating jobs, lay out roads and help them to dig wells. These can only reduce the tension betwen the conflict parties and gradually bring some kind of peace there. To totally solve Dafur problem you have to ask US to do more."

对彻底脑残的,就问它“Tell me what US has done for Dafur?" (根据所在国, US可换成UK, France, Germanz, etc.)


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