
主题:blogspot上介绍王同学卧底生活的一篇文章 -- wittman

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she was being a slightly socially incompetent fob


fob=Fresh Off the Boat,指那些刚到美国由于做事习惯和当地人格格不入而显得“傻”或“土”的人。注意:这个词有明显的歧视性,不可以随便用。


Grace told us that she already dropped out of her high school in Qingdao because she was unsatisfied by the best high school in Shandong province.

drop out指的是退学,不是被开除。这里王同学是因为对山东最好的中学不满而把学校开除了。


She moved to Korea, and there she learned English by watching American films.



She gets accepted to all but Harvard. She chose to come to Duke because she got the Robertson. She then turns down the Robertson because she didn't want the restrictions set by the program.

Robertson是一个为北卡大学Chapel Hill分校和Duke设立的奖学金,鼓励学生参加社会服务,并培养将来的社会领袖。



She says the guy was a virgin and now he wants a relationship. We go to the common room, she points him out, and he was playing pool at the other side of the room, totally not paying attention to her.



She even told people that she wrote her own recommendations for college applications.



I've heard her practice her German, and it is atrocious.



all her boy problems will go away

不再会有感情上的挫折(boy problem指女孩在和男孩交往中遇到的问题和挫折)


Is it me, or is she someone trying to convince herself that she's destined for greatness?


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