
主题:【原创】趣谈生物世界(一):蚂蚁 -- 铁手

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家园 它们是想把洞口抬高一些,以免下雨积水。


我们这里蚂蚁是南美来的蚂蚁,名字叫火蚁(Fire Ant),非常凶猛,咬人剧痛,有人甚至会过敏休克,甚至死掉。不杀不行。但是它们生命力极强,总杀不死。所以和蚂蚁的斗争是旷日持久的!



Fire ants get their name from the intense burning caused by their sting. Three species occur in the south: the southern, red imported and common fire ant. All three species are general feeders and will feed on various plant parts including roots and seeds, insects and household foods.

Fire ants live in large colonies and build mounds generally in open areas such as pastures, lawns and cultivated fields. Over 100 mounds have been observed per acre in many southern fields and pastures.

Fire ants stings almost always produce small blisters or pustules that may itch for several days。

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