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主题:致萨苏:我虽然和你没什么交情,但想提醒你一句,不要被人利用 -- woodbear
研究方法是以全民健保記錄追蹤九二一地震前六個月與九二一地震後一年慢性疾病(高血压,心脏病,关节炎,糖尿病)就診的記錄。結果發現糖尿病患者的確在地震後呈現增加的趨勢。 (全文如下。 )
woodbear認為我舉的九二一的研究例證是孤證, 但是糖尿病被人注意以來,世界上發生過多少次大規模的地震呢?
若能幫助人們及早發現與治療,以免於日後痛苦,為何不做呢? 此時不做,要待何時再做?
美國這裡較便宜。 我婆婆回大陸半年,我們都定時托人帶針頭試紙回去。 (三餐前都要測,用量很大。)
Epidemiology. 14(5) Supplement:S52, September 2003.
Chang, T Y (1); Ou Yang, Y C; Hsiao, Y Y; Chan, C C
Introduction: On September 21, 1999, a powerful earthquake of magnitude 7.3 on the Richter scale struck central Taiwan and caused a total of 2,347 deaths. From the scale and the degree of damage, it is believed to be the worst earthquake in 20th century Taiwan. Past studies related to earthquakes discussed the immediate effects on the mortality and causes of deaths, but rare studies emphasized the prolong effects on the mobility. One cohort study presented the increasing numbers of incident cases of hypertension, heart disease, arthritis, and diabetes within the first 6 months, however, without the pre-earthquake clinical diagnosis or medical records, the relationship between the new cases of chronic diseases occurrence and the earthquake inducement was unknown. With the completely National Health Insurance (NHI) system in Taiwan, the purpose of this study was to describe the prevalent pattern of chronic diseases and to clarify the different mobility between the pre-earthquake and the post-earthquake in the 921 Taiwan Earthquake.
Methods: We carried out two sets of questionnaire survey to collect individual information related to damage of this earthquake and personal life style between 2002 and 2003. 3,637 persons comprised public employees and their family members were voluntary to supply personal identity numbers to link the NHI system for individual outpatient enrollment analysis. The data from March 21, 1999, through March 20, 2001 were obtained from the Bureau of NHI. According to the occurrence of the 921 Taiwan Earthquake, the outpatient data of this population was divided to pre-earthquake and post-earthquake time-periods with every 6 months. The trends of outpatient frequency and outpatient number of all diseases and specific chronic diseases were determined and the incident cases were observed during the two years.
Results: We observed that the total outpatient frequencies of all diseases in this population increased from 20,411 times in the half-year pre-earthquake to 23,103 times in the one-year post-earthquake and slightly decrease to 21,401 times in the 1.5-year post-earthquake. Male had higher outpatient frequencies than female and both gender had the same trend as the total of all diseases. In the outpatient numbers of all diseases, however, total outpatient numbers continued to increase from 2,677 persons in the pre-earthquake to 2,773 persons in the post-earthquake. The most age group to use healthcare service was 40-49 years old. Our findings presented rising trends in the prevalent rates of diabetes mellitus (ICD-9: 250) and hypertensive disease (ICD-9: 401-405) after this earthquake, but the prevalent rate of ischaemic heart disease (ICD-9: 410-414) reduced at the first 6 months and then increased in the post-earthquake. We also observed the numbers of incident cases on bronchitis, emphysema and asthma (ICD-9: 490-493) were more than other chronic diseases after this earthquake.
Conclusions: We concluded the prevalent patterns of chronic diseases on public employees and their family members were affected by the 921 Taiwan Earthquake, and the long-term effects of this earthquake on respiratory system would be more study in the future.
(C) 2003 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.
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🙂del 量子 字0 2008-06-01 20:33:33
🙂这种事,不能感情用事.帮亲不帮理在那里混淆是非最让人烦. 5 月色溶溶 字48 2008-06-01 20:22:19
🙂【讨论】从专业的角度上支持你关于糖尿病药物的判断 1 秦牛 字422 2008-06-01 18:28:49
🙂大妹子,不是俺说你,帮亲不帮理只会害了老萨 4 先圣 字54 2008-06-01 19:15:22
🙂世界上確實有這樣的研究與結論指出兩者呈正象關連。 北宸 字48 2008-06-01 20:54:19
🙂理工科不是这么找0关系的科研啊。 马哥 字0 2008-06-02 16:50:09
🙂我也總算明白了。 2 北宸 字187 2008-06-02 01:21:44