
主题:【原创】警惕流失的话语权-“公正”媒体新闻解析 1加视频 -- 草纹

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Discourse (L. discursus, "running to and from") means either "written or spoken communication or debate" or "a formal discussion or debate" [1]. The term is often used in semantics and discourse analysis.

In semantics, discourses are linguistic units composed of several sentences; in other words, conversations, arguments, or speeches. In discourse analysis, which came to prominence in the late 1960s, the word "discourse" is shorthand for "discursive formation", which is what Michel Foucault called communication that involves specialized knowledge of various kinds. It is in this sense that the word is most often used in academic studies.

Studies of discourse have been carried out within a variety of traditions that investigate the relations between language, structure and agency, including feminist studies, anthropology, enthnography, cultural studies, literary theory and the history of ideas. Within these fields, the notion of discourse is itself subject to discourse, that is, debated on the basis of specialized knowledge. Discourse can be observed in the use of spoken, written and signed language and multimodal/multimedia forms of communication, and is not found only in 'non-fictional' or verbal materials.

In the social sciences (following the work of Michel Foucault), a discourse is considered to be an institutionalized way of thinking, a social boundary defining what can be said about a specific topic, or, as Judith Butler puts it, "the limits of acceptable speech"—or possible truth. Discourses are seen to affect our views on all things; it is not possible to escape discourse. For example, two notably distinct discourses can be used about various guerrilla movements describing them either as "freedom fighters" or "terrorists". In other words, the chosen discourse delivers the vocabulary, expressions and perhaps also the style needed to communicate. Discourse is closely linked to different theories of power and state, at least as long as defining discourses is seen to mean defining reality itself.

This conception of discourse is largely derived from the work of French philosopher Michel Foucault (see below)


正像wiki 说的。defining discourses is seen to mean defining reality itself。为什么这样?因为话语分析和话语权的探讨很大程度上本身就是一种话语实践(自由左派?法兰克福学派?福柯派?)。它并不注重“事实”(很多人根本就否定有话语之外的“事实”,但并不是说要像cult那样故意扭曲事实),更注意媒体、对话、文字中的“权力关系”。

也许草纹这个例子确实不是那么切中“事实”全貌,但是它的重点不在于分析“事实”是什么,而是在于找到:1、an institutionalized way of thinking;2、the limits of acceptable speech;当然还可以不那么准确地换成思维模式、权力关系、操弄“真相”的方法等说法。




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