主题:【请教专家】我的电脑这两天有点毛病 -- 起步停车
- 共: 💬 15
The Lsass.exe process is responsible for management of local security authority domain authentication and Active Directory management. This process handles authentication for both the client and the server, and it also governs the Active Directory engine. The Lsass.exe process is responsible for the following components:
1。 Local Security Authority
2。 Net Logon service
3。 Security Accounts Manager service
4。 LSA Server service
5。 Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
6。 Kerberos v5 authentication protocol
7。 NTLM authentication protocol
- 相关回复 上下关系4
我都下载不了啊 起步停车 字20 2004-05-04 18:51:27
😮你什么操作系统。XP or Win2000。你要是真急了,我给你寄去。 Highway 字63 2004-05-04 22:18:43
你中了震荡波病毒了!!! hpj1975 字0 2004-05-02 23:30:18