
主题:【原创】使徒小传 -- AleaJactaEst

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家园 送花并无聊的去考证了一下

丹麦的Zealand island的形状大小和瑞典的lake Malaren差别实在太大了。地图上形状相似的是瑞典Vanern湖,其实也不是太像。


In Norse mythology, the island was created by the goddess Gefjun after she tricked Gylfi, the king of Sweden, as told in the story of Gylfaginning. She removed a piece of land and transported it to Denmark, and it became the island of Zealand. The vacant area was filled with water and became Mälaren. However, since modern maps show a similarity between Zealand and the Swedish lake Vänern, it is sometimes identified as the hole left by Gefjun.

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