
主题:电视直播时这样信口开河太不应该了! -- 爱自由

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家园 连老美自己都说这对教练是“酸葡萄”

看这里:Karolyis’ sour grapes makes bad whine

作者Dan Wetzel 是YAHOO很有名的评论员。

This was all a losers’ lament, an embarrassment. The U.S. had no credibility left. The gymnasts understood that. They rightly accepted the blame for only winning silver with a team that is beyond reproach.

The Karolyis couldn’t just lose with dignity. They couldn’t accept their gymnasts’ best. They look across the way and lust over a system that might allow them to trot out a 4-foot-6, 68-pounder who bends and flips with ease. Bela coached Nadia Comaneci to seven perfect 10s in the 1976 Olympics. She was 14.



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