
主题:【文摘】美国思想阵营的分野的一个金融窥探 -- jugojl6

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‘We Own Them’

“We own them now, and we should use that to make sure they stop ripping us off,” said Gail Hillebrand, head of the financial-services campaign at Consumers Union, an advocacy group based in Yonkers, New York. “We shouldn’t allow banks to use the money to support things that hurt consumers and taxpayers. What we’re looking for is responsible behavior, not social benefits.”

Bank profits or returns on the government investments are secondary concerns, Hillebrand said.

That view is opposed by free-market advocates such as Gary Becker, a professor of economics and sociology at the University of Chicago and a Nobel Prize winner, who says the primary aim of the government bailout should be a hasty withdrawal from investments that shouldn’t have been made in the first place.

“If you believe in a private-enterprise system, you use competition to control the banks, not a stakeholding,” Becker said. “It would be a grave mistake to use these private institutions for social goals.”

Paulson Changes Course

Diane Casey-Landry, chief operating officer of the American Bankers Association, a trade group in Washington, said that bank profitability had to come ahead of any demand to ease lending.

“Taxpayers should get a return on their investment,” Casey-Landry said. “We have to go back to a time when we realize not everyone is entitled to get a loan. What is going to get us out of this recession is sound lending to people who are going to pay it back, not throwing money at people who can’t.”

When Congress passed the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act in October authorizing TARP, the funds were supposed to be used to acquire troubled mortgage-related assets from banks in order to ease credit.

“The underlying weakness in our financial system today is the illiquid mortgage assets that have lost value as the housing correction has proceeded,” Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said on Sept. 19. “These illiquid assets are choking off the flow of credit that is so vitally important to our economy. When the financial system works as it should, money and capital flow to and from households and businesses to pay for home loans, school loans and investments that create jobs.”

TARP Allocations

Two weeks after the legislation was passed, Paulson changed course and said it was more important to recapitalize the banks, allowing them to determine how best to deploy their capital.

Since then, Treasury has allocated $250 billion to buy non- voting preferred shares of banks paying a 5 percent annual dividend, as well as warrants convertible into equity. The investments range from $25 billion each in JPMorgan Chase & Co., Citigroup Inc. and Wells Fargo & Co. in San Francisco to $1.6 million in Westminster, California-based Saigon National Bank.

In addition, $40 billion has gone to New York-based American International Group Inc.; another $20 billion to Citigroup in New York, along with a $5 billion guarantee against possible losses; $20 billion to purchase consumer and small-business loans; and $13.4 billion to Detroit-based automakers General Motors Corp. and Chrysler LLC.

‘No New Lending’

Last week the government announced that $5 billion of TARP funds would be used to purchase preferred shares and warrants in GMAC LLC, the automaker’s financing arm, with Treasury separately lending another $1 billion to GM to support GMAC’s transition into a bank holding company.

With the exception of GMAC, which immediately began offering loans to GM customers with lower credit scores in order to halt the decline in auto sales, most financial institutions that received TARP funds have been reluctant to lend.

“Right now there is no new lending, and without new lending it’s going to be difficult for the economy to recover,” Roger Altman, founder and chief executive officer of boutique investment bank Evercore Partners Inc. and an assistant Treasury secretary in the Carter administration, said in a Dec. 29 interview with Bloomberg TV.

Stifling Innovation

A report released Dec. 2 by the Government Accountability Office in Washington questioned whether Treasury is policing the cascade of federal money closely enough.

“Although Treasury has said that it expects the institutions to increase the flow of credit,” the report said the department “has not yet determined whether it will impose reporting requirements on the participating financial institutions.”

David John, a senior fellow with the Heritage Foundation, a public policy and research group in Washington, said it was inappropriate for the government to demand policy changes from the banks and that doing so would be counterproductive because it would stifle innovation. Instead, he said banks should use the capital to recover stability and then be forced to return the taxpayer funds.

“Bureaucrats take no risks, they have no ideas,” John said. “If this recoups a profit for the taxpayer, great, but a slight loss would be acceptable. I don’t see it as a long-term value to be an activist shareholder.”

‘No Road Map’

There are no partisan lines separating those who favor a passive investment strategy and those who want the government to play a more active role.

“I do not see the Treasury or the Fed as active investors in the banks, and it would be a mistake if they were,” said Martin N. Baily, a chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers in the Clinton administration and now a senior fellow at the Washington-based Brookings Institution. “The goal is to stabilize the financial sector and to be mindful of the costs to taxpayers. Perhaps there will be positive returns on these investments, but not necessarily.”

Bruce Josten, executive vice president for governmental affairs at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, a pro-business group, said taxpayers had a right to expect a loosening of credit by the banks, though the government “shouldn’t micromanage them.”

“I don’t think there’s one good answer here,” Josten said. “There’s no paint-by-the-numbers road map. It’s all improvised.”

For Garten, the unprecedented nature and scale of the problems means that policy makers and taxpayers will have to get used to a new way of thinking as long as the crisis lasts.

“There’s a philosophical conflict in the American mind because we’re just not used to this level of intervention,” Garten said. “That hang-up is not compatible with the depth of this crisis.”

To contact the reporter on this story: James Sterngold in Los Angeles at [email protected]

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