
主题:【蛇有耳】千山独行 -- 蛇公子

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听听新西兰女歌手Bic Runga的这首歌,Listening For The Weather,口琴很好听,心情也好一点了。



新西兰女歌手Bic Runga,生于新西兰基督城 (Christchurch),父亲Joseph为毛利人 (Maori),母亲Sophia为中国人(原姓邓),小时受她两个姐姐Boh和Pearl的影响,爱上写歌和玩奏乐器。中学时代加入了组合 xtrasmokefreerockquest 和 Love Soup,后被发掘而签约 Sony Music五年,于1997年推出首张专辑 Drive,推出后旋即在纽西兰达到三白金销量,并于当地Tui awards(地位等同格林美奖)连夺四大奖--最佳专辑,最佳唱片,最佳演唱表演及最佳唱作人,后更成纽西兰音乐史上销量最高的本地女歌手。

推出Drive专辑后,经过两年不停巡回演出,在1999年底开始制作第二张专辑Beautiful Collision,整张专辑长达两年多时间才完成,于纽约、洛衫矶、威灵顿、基督城及奥克兰(包括Bic自己的家中录音室)录音,于2003年9月在纽西兰及澳洲推出,同年10月全球发行了该专辑《Beautiful Collision》。

Bic擅长作曲作词,能演奏多种乐器,包括吉他、钢琴、打鼓等,在两张专辑中均显露其音乐才华,不但负责全碟曲词及编曲,亦亲自演奏乐器,新专辑Beautiful Collision更邀请她母亲和两个姐姐客串。两张专辑的首曲她以吉他自弹自唱,将她最真的一面透过曲词流露出来。

So I'm listening for the weather to predict the coming day

Leave all thought of expectation to the weather man

No it doesn't really matter what it is he has to say

Cause tomorrows keep on blowing in from somewhere

All the people that I know in the apartments down below

Busy with their starring roles in their own tragedies

Sunlight sends you on your way

And those restless thoughts that cling to yesterday

Never be afraid of change

I'll call you on the phone

I hate to leave you on your own

But I'm coming home today

And this busy inner city

Has got nothing much to say

And I know how much you're hanging round the letterbox

And I'm sure that as I'm writing

You'll be somewhere on your way

In a supermarket checkout or the restaurant

I've been doing what I'm told

I've been busy growing old

And the days are getting cold but that's alright with me

Sunlight sends you on your way

And those restless thoughts that cling to yesterday

Never be afraid of change

I'll call you on the phone

I hate to leave you on your own

But I'm coming home today

Yes I'm coming home today

I've been doing what I'm told

I've been busy growing old

And the days are getting cold but that's alright with me

Sunlight sends you on your way

And those restless thoughts that cling to yesterday

Never be afraid of change

关键词(Tags): #蛇有耳


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