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主题:帮朋友改的一份 Cover Letter. 也请大家多提 -- 煮酒正熟
基本上最重要的几点你和楼下的朋友都已经说了。Cover letter的目的是要highlight简历里的一部份(不是全部)内容来引起hiring manager的注意,所以cover letter的要求是:
2、必须有针对性,highlight的内容一定要和job posting里的要求符合,如果申请的工作和现在的工作不一样的话这点尤其重要。所以resume可以一稿多投,cover letter几乎不可能。
3、用词(包括语气和技术细节)一定要简单易懂,因为读cover letter的一般都是HR或head hunter,他们对你的专业很可能不熟,所以一些关键词或内容的说法和job posting越接近越好。
4、就像你说的,能量化的东西一定要量化。如果job posting要求三年的工作经验,cover letter里面一定要说清楚你在有关领域做了几年。这类信息不一定能从resume里看出来。
5、语气要professional。你朋友的原信太口语化,改过后的好多了。还有称呼最好不要用first name。和recruiter熟了以后可以再改。
6、Cover letter还可以用来说一些不能放在resume里面的话,如要求保密、和最方便你联系的时候、解释resume里的空档(如果有一段时间即没工作也不在学校里),等等。
我用你的几个关键词在网上找了一下,找到了一个比较接近的job posting(包括联系人Martin都对上了):Software Development Team Leader - Embedded System
Dear Mr. Sharman:
I came across your job posting for a Software Development Team Leader - Embedded Systems position in Brisbane, and I am very interested in this position.
I have had more than eight years of experience as a software developer, technical director and R&D manager. I have used C/C++ to develop software used in a wide range of applications, such as audio/visual processing in digital cameras and baby monitors. I have also managed teams of up to XXX engineers, planned and coordinated each team member's work on a daily basis, and drove issue-resolution efforts to ensure that our team would deliver quality work products under sometimes severe time constraints...<可能还要加几句其他的经验以符合job posting里的各种要求> The applications my team have developed were often critical to the success of the final products, I am very proud of the quality of the work products which my team has delivered.
Because of the successes I have achieved in my career, I believe that I am a very strong candidate for this position. My resume is attached my resume for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
- 相关回复 上下关系8
🙂十分感谢热心人 1 刹那芳华 字177 2009-06-08 09:55:32
😜甘蔗渣文學滿賽! 1 Gustav 字610 2009-06-07 21:36:37
🙂老酒的理解有偏差,TEAM LEADER一般是几个人 1 老成都 字96 2009-04-03 22:21:22
🙂Cover Letter
🙂问题:不知HR名字的用 meokey 字160 2009-03-31 19:49:18
🙂Subject应该是job title 1 牛腰 字133 2009-03-31 19:53:56
😁心狠手辣 路人 字198 2009-03-31 19:28:41
😨会有问题吗? 牛腰 字303 2009-03-31 19:48:51