
主题:【文摘】Life杂志里的朝鲜战争(1)敌人的面孔 -- pxpxpx

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trust |trst|


1 firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something : relations have to be built on trust | they have been able to win the trust of the others.

acceptance of the truth of a statement without evidence or investigation : I used only primary sources, taking nothing on trust.

the state of being responsible for someone or something : a man in a position of trust.

poetic/literary a person or duty for which one has responsibility : rulership is a trust from God.

poetic/literary a hope or expectation : all the great trusts of womanhood.

2 Law confidence placed in a person by making that person the nominal owner of property to be held or used for the benefit of one or more others.

an arrangement whereby property is held in such a way : a trust was set up | the property is to be held in trust for his son.

3 a body of trustees.

an organization or company managed by trustees : a charitable trust | [in names ] the National Trust for Historic Preservation.

dated a large company that has or attempts to gain monopolistic control of a market.

4 W. Indian or archaic commercial credit : my master lived on trust at an alehouse.

faith |fāθ|


1 complete trust or confidence in someone or something : this restores one's faith in politicians.

2 strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.

a system of religious belief : the Christian faith.

a strongly held belief or theory : the faith that life will expand until it fills the universe.

楼主把保家卫国作为faith,抗美援朝和朝鲜战争作为trust大家自己辨别吧。 事实我认为楼主就是truth party.

truth |troōθ|

noun ( pl. truths |troōz; troōθs|)

the quality or state of being true : he had to accept the truth of her accusation.

(also the truth) that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality : tell me the truth | she found out the truth about him.

a fact or belief that is accepted as true : the emergence of scientific truths | the fundamental truths about mankind.


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