
主题:SARS和猪流感 -- 晨枫

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这句话不是很准确,据我所知,从4月27日起,我所在的地方就开始发信给所有员工通报swine flu的最新情况。

Swine Influenza A Update

According to Governor Tim Kaine and the State Health Commissioner, Virginia has no reported cases of swine flu, there are no restrictions on travel (other than to Mexico City) and no one is being urged to wear masks. Frequent hand washing and proper disposal of contaminated tissues helps to reduce the risk of infection.

As of 2PM on April 27, 2009, the Center for Disease Control has confirmed 40 human cases in the United States. They are California - 7; Kansas - 2; New York City - 28; Ohio – 1; and Texas – 2.



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