
主题:【原创】历史不是评书,与萨苏之强袭达达尼尔文相商榷 -- stably

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家园 十万陆军攻取君士坦丁 。。。




---- 你说老萨演绎/演义我不反对,但是不是你自己也有仓促结论,为反驳而反驳?



奥斯曼帝国大半个世纪以来"欧洲病夫"的名号(Sick Man of the Europe, 搜搜就知道),西线的僵持,不准确的土军军力报告,早期的小规模成功,西线战事中大口径炮的震慑,使得丘吉尔轻信通过一些老旧的前无畏战列舰的大炮完全可以解决君士坦丁堡周围的要塞。整个计划就是彻头彻尾的机会主义、盲动主义。几个关键决策人实际是在进行政治赌博。

From wiki:

Later in November 1914, First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill put forward his first plans for a naval attack on the Dardanelles, based at least in part on what turned out to be erroneous reports regarding Turkish troop strength, as prepared by Lieut. T. E. Lawrence. He reasoned that the Royal Navy had a large number of obsolete battleships which could not be used against the German High Seas Fleet in the North Sea, but which might well be made useful in another theatre. Initially, the attack was to be made by the Royal Navy alone, with only token forces from the army being required for routine occupation tasks.

From www.firstworldwar.com

... On 16 February 1915 Kitchener issued orders to ensure the readiness of Britain's sole available infantry division to assist with operations as necessary.

He further specified that Australian and New Zealand forces stationed in Egypt en route for France should be made available if required. On 18 February the French government similarly added a corps of men to the endeavour, although they arrived too late to be used the following day.

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