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主题:【原创】即使没有文革,中国经济也不会提前进入第二世界 -- 葡萄
--屁話, even overseas Chinese like me think they are totally ignorant.
中国文化 were not born with 愚昧与落后. Why do not they cite 大秦帝国? Lots of practices of Chin are very Roman or American: such as meritcracy; promotion based on performance,not bloodline; head-based reward system (like today's pay-for-performance); equal opportunity.
這種哈巴狗scholars have superficial knowledge about Europe/America. They should live longer overseas and learn more.
BTW, I saw too many "visiting" scholars with broken English and little contact with local people.
--colonies were usually not allowed to industrialize. Britain intentionally banned the textile tech transfer to America and Canada. Portugue did the same thing to Brazil.
Look at what happened to Han culture after they were colonized by Qin dynasty.
Those scholars are really ignorant.
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🙂呵呵,你去看看历史 4 葡萄 字0 2009-08-19 20:55:09
🙂a reply 4 parishg 字1199 2009-08-20 08:02:56
🙂荷兰的话题我要查查藏书 15 葡萄 字0 2009-08-20 09:35:31
🙂agree on some of your good
🙂中国革命的伟大与彻底 10 真理 字1109 2009-08-20 14:46:52
🙂波尔布特 suqier 字79 2009-08-20 11:20:30
🙂my god. This man's name parishg 字173 2009-08-20 22:11:02
🙂波尔波特是个跳大神的 1 雷声 字26 2009-08-20 14:25:28