
主题:【原创】Twitter的这些那些(一)(已结文) -- 高子山

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家园 The stories about iPhone's

downfall were greatly exaggerated.

Which will be the "PC" in this analogy? Android?

Look around and ask yourself:"Really?!"

Yes, HTC became primarily an Android shop, Sony Ericsson and Moto are kinda betting the farm on Android's success also.

But that's mainly because Symbian & WinMo's staggeringly inconpetence in the past couple of years, that and these brands' lack of ability to stage their own platforms.

By the end of this year, if everything went well, there should be a handful of Android devices hit the market. But the problem is: none of them will stand out. From what I gathered, I can't say any of these will be particularly excellent, either.

Last quarter, Android had 3% of the total smartphone market, iPhone had 13%. Mind you 3GS had only 10 some days on the market.

In January a lot of tech pundits predicted Android will out sell iPhone by the end of this year, they used the same PC vs Mac rationale.

I suggest them revisit their prediction and make amendment accordingly.

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