
主题:乌鲁木齐针刺事件的新闻备忘 -- 注注

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家园 美联社消息:目前收治531人,明显有针刺痕迹的106人

Local police authorities said Friday that hospitals in Urumqi are now treating 531 people who believed they were attacked by hypodermic needle, 55 more than previously reported, Xinhua said. About 106 of them showed obvious signs of needle attacks, it said. Most of the victims were Han Chinese.

So far, none of those stabbed showed any signs of infection or poisonings, state media has said. Infection by AIDS is a concern, given Xinjiang's high rate of HIV cases, spread by needle-sharing among drug users.


URUMQI, China — A Chinese official says that five people have been killed and 14 wounded during protests over security in the restive western city of Urumqi.

Deputy Mayor Zhang Hong reported the casualties at a news conference in the city, capital of the western region of Xinjiang. He said they died Thursday.



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