
主题:【原创】仰融在造势, 我看他是大忽悠。 -- 马踏飞燕

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家园 他就是开了一个投资移民公司


Wang admits it will take one and half billion dollars from investors to make the project a reality, but he's confident that will happen.

Wang said, "We are still in the fundraising phase. But, within six months, conservatively, we will get one billion dollars."

The CEO said that will happen through the EB-5 Program.

The EB-5 Program is a federal program where non-citizens can get U.S. visas if they invest one million dollars in an American business that creates full time employment for at least ten American workers.

After two years of complying with requirements, those investors would get permanent resident status.

Wang admits that, so far, the program is "not that successful. Why? Because of the lack of a big project, an attractive project. But our project attracts so many people from around the world, especially from China."


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