
主题:【文摘】IMF总裁确认中国投票权将大幅增加 -- parishg

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Given that the US is the only one of the IMF’s 186 member states with a power of veto, based on a 17 per cent voting share, it has less to lose from reform than its foot-dragging European colleagues. Britain and France are particularly reluctant to endorse the changes, given that they could slip below China in the pecking order if there are significant increases in China’s quotas. They also stand to lose their permanent seats on the IMF noard of governors, but pressure for an agreement is mounting.


The United States has proposed a 5% shift in voting power from developed countries to some "dynamic" emerging economies. China could overtake France and Britain in IMF voting power. The main emerging economies have countered with a proposed 7% shift.

Tensions over IMF threaten to mar G20

UK and French officials were exasperated on Thursday by US proposals that could threaten both countries’ seats on the IMF board of directors, the Financial Times has learnt. Under the US plans, the IMF board would be cut from 24 seats to 20 with fewer European representatives.

The UK and France publicly support the reweighting of the IMF’s shareholding structure to give a greater voice to the larger developing countries – including China and India – but not at the expense of their permanent board seats.

The sweep of the US proposal took Britain and France by surprise. They have argued in response that all issues about reform of the institution should be on the table, including whether the US should retain its de facto veto at the IMF.


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