
主题:有没有人关心这个消息?中国要处死英国毒品贩子,压力很大呀 -- 锦候

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外链出处53岁的Akmal Shaikh当地时间今早10时30分(英国时间2时30分)被执行枪决,此前外交部曾全力进行过最后努力,试图让中国给予宽大处理。

就中国对Akmal Shaikh的判决,英国表现了极大的愤怒,召见中国大使狠狠训斥。中国声称Akmal Shaikh携带4公斤海洛因进入中国。

在所谓“广泛而友好的交谈”中,外长伊万刘易斯向中国大使傅颍(音,具体名字没查)请求宽大,并指出英国政府对中国没有考虑Akmal Shaikh的精神健康状况深表关注。






议员们对中国提出了尖锐批评。前外交部助理、外交委员会成员Ken Purchase称中国的行为“绝对是令人遗憾的”。他还补充说中国在试图加入国际事务主流的进程中依然坚持这种“野蛮行径”。

前工党内阁大臣、外交委员会成员Gisela Stuart声称“在提及人权问题时,中国显然还有很长的路要走。”

Shaikh是在昨天他的两位表亲Soohail Shaikh和Nasir Shaikh在英国领事官员的陪伴下前往他所关押的迪化某医院探望时得知他的死刑判决的。这是50年来中国第一次判处欧盟成员国公民死刑。





现居波兰的英国公民Paul Newberry描述了Shaikh如何沉浸在幻想世界中:“他身无分文都不绝望,怎么可能绝望到跑中国贩毒?”


作者:zhurui588 回复日期:2009-12-29 15:12:10



作者:喊嚎鸟 回复日期:2009-12-29 15:15:37


作者:竹攸然 回复日期:2009-12-29 15:28:28



作者:czq5240 回复日期:2009-12-29 15:54:08




Dear China,


Please ignore all the bleating and do us the favor of ridding the world of one more heroin dealer.




People Who Have Lost Loved Ones to Heroin.


He's in China so he has to play by China's rules.

The same thing would happen in the UK if a foreigner was caught breaking rules here. But the judicial system here is a joke. He would probably just get a slap on the wrist.

We should send in a gunboat. These Chinese need to learn that they can't go around banning things and killing people and the civilised world will do something to sto... sorry, I thought I was in the 19th century again. China may and oppress and murder anyone it likes ;(
Opium War round three?

China must spare Akmal Shaikh or face serious consequences

By George Pitcher UK Last updated: December 28th, 2009


In a little under eight hours of writing this, at 2.30 in the morning of our

fifth day of Christmas,the People’s Republic of China will execute the

British subject, Akmal Shaikh, unless a last plea for clemency succeeds.

Mr Shaikh is so obviously mentally ill, so clearly had no grasp of what he

was doing when he was caught acting as a drug-mule by the Chinese

authorities and was so clearly incapable of conducting any meaningful self-

representation at his trial that the lethal injection or bullet in the back

of the head he will receive in a few hours will not only be just another

hideous Chinese execution, but also a disgusting and reprehensible

miscarriage of justice.

Mr Shaikh’s death doubtless will be of little consequence to the Chinese

authorities, who put some 1,700 people to death during the past year alone.

The scale of this judicial murdering machine is difficult to grasp and even

puts the United States to shame.

But Mr Shaikh is a British citizen and the first EU national to be executed

in China for half a century. That means our Government should have some

influence to bring to bear for once on China’s barbaric judicial practice.

We are long past gunboat diplomacy. But if China goes ahead with the

execution of Mr Shaikh, the EU must condemn the Chinese government in the

strongest possible terms and impose trade sanctions that are significant and

hurtful, until China brings its legislature into line with European

criminal sentencing.

China is the world’s third largest economy and aspires to take a

respectable place on the international stage and in global trade. Beijing

must know, tonight and unequivocally, that putting to death a mentally ill

man in possession of a British passport is no way to go about its

civilising aspirations. It must spare Mr Shaikh.


在写作本篇不到8小时后,英国时间圣诞节假期第5天(12月29日)2时30分,中华人民共和国将处决英国公民Akmal Shaikh,除非申请宽大的最后努力生效。

Akmal Shaikh显然患有精神病,所以显然不能确定当其被中国有关机关以毒犯为名逮捕时究竟在干什么。此外,显然他也无法在被审判时作自我辩护。根据审判结果,几个小时后,他将或者被注射致命毒药,或者脑后挨一枪。这不仅仅是中国政府又一起丑恶的死刑判决,而且是对公正的又一次粗暴践踏。





Oh good, the failed cleric is pontificating again. Actually, the US would be a much better place if we were executing 1700 human scum a month.

As for Akmal, say hello to Mohammed for us.

If the English want to save the life of their heroin traficker I think a fair deal would be for China to send him back to England along with 1000 Chinese heroin junkies so the English taxpayers can put them all on their books in England and pay for the lifetime care of their heroin addictions.
Ok George, wage another Opium War. This time, we Americans won’t save your ass.

Ok, so here is this arrogant anglo-threat that China “must” spare this drug traffiker???!!!…..so what if China does not? You want to start another Opium War? This time, I am pretty sure the result will be very very different. Maybe China can avenge the insult of the old Opium War finally! Be careful with your threats, sick sick lion!

Serious consequences?

Our stupid government is reliant on borrowing billions of pounds from the Chinese in order to fund its economic mismanagement.

They’ve transferred to China – by excessive employment legislation, taxes, costs and over-regulation – formerly UK based industrial capacity, that has assisted the Chinese in becoming an economic superpower.

Our government has relied on cheap Chinese exports to keep real terms wage levels down and keep inflation low.

What pressure can the insignificant British possibly put on the Chinese?

I suffer from depression (Bipolar Disorder used to be called Manic Depression) like Mr. Shaikh. However, I’ve never been stupid enough to think of using it as an excuse for if I got caught smuggling 4 kilos of heroin into country which has capital punishment for drug trafficking.

The ‘but I’ve got a mental illness!1!!LOL’ gambit was never going to work, Mr. Shaikh, and you knew it. It was worth a try, I suppose, but let’s not fool ourselves. Now it’s time to take your medicine like a big boy.

“There must be millions like me who, if China executes a mentally deranged man, will never buy anything made in China again.”

Brave words, however, WTF will you buy anything; its ALL made in China today.

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