
主题:当务之急不是反腐败,而是防止精英淘汰和逐级博弈 -- wqnsihs

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家园 empires can coexist

Before WWI and WWII, the World No. 1 and No.2 were UK and France. Look at how they divide today's middle-east--they coordinated quite well despite below-the-table dirty tricks against each other.

There were English sphere of influence and French sphere of influence. There is respect of each other since each one's strength was limited.

G-2 will be similar like that: America of course loves the one-polar world, but China is rising and needs its sphere of influence for both national security as well as economic security/prosperity. China used to only control Vietnam and North Korea. Now, it is eager to get more.

All empires are the same historically. They only differ in names and lip service.

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