
主题:【原创】看来欧盟要解除对华军售禁令了,猜猜中国可能买哪些 -- 唐鸢

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buddy, 中国领导拼命喊发展中国家

do not be fooled by Chinese elites.

What they want in the end is a Chinese empire with regional control over Asia, with more living space and better terms in the global order.

"Every single empire, in its offical discourse, has said that it is not like all the others, that its circumstances are special, that it has a mission to enlighten, civilize, bring order and democracy, and it uses forces only as a last resort"--quoted from Edward Said.

China will just be another empire. Do not listen to what it says, look at what it does.

BTW, Greece is hard to rescue(still has not cleaned up its FAKED NATIONAL FINANCE DATA for the last 10 years) and next one to fall is P and then S. America finally got its revenging moment.

If China is smart enough, STEP ASIDE AND DO NOT FEED GREECE. Anyway, a weakened Europe is in China's interests. Remember how those hypocritical Frenchmen humiliated Chinese during the 2008 Olympic torch rally? All Europeans have the same hypocritical attitude towards China. Okay, now it is time for them to clean up their own s*.


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