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家园 F-35项目头目被撤职


Gates criticizes F-35 progress, fires top officer

"Progress and performance of the F-35 over the past two years has not been what it should, as a number of key goals and benchmarks were not met," Gates said. It was only last April that he staked the future of American combat air power on the F-35 Lightning II by killing Lockheed's F-22 Raptor.

Speaking to reporters at the briefing on the planned $741 billion defense budget, Gates said he decided to replace the Pentagon's manager overseeing the F-35, Marine Major Gen. David Heinz, with a higher ranking officer -- a three star general or admiral -- to run the program.

Officials did not name the new manager, but sources told the Star-Telegram it will be Vice Adm. David J. Venlet, commander of the Naval Air Systems Command who oversees all Navy and Marine aviation programs. He is a former Navy fighter pilot and test pilot.

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