
主题:当务之急不是反腐败,而是防止精英淘汰和逐级博弈 -- wqnsihs

  • 共: 💬 580 🌺 1705 🌵 1


Prohibition and dispersal of assemblies.

5. —(1) In any proclaimed area —

(a) the officer in charge of a division may by order prohibit absolutely or subject to such conditions as he may think fit any procession, meeting or assembly of 5 or more persons in any public place in such area or in any specified place or building, whether public or private, in such area;

(b) any procession, meeting or assembly of 5 or more persons in any place whatsoever may, whether or not any order has been made prohibiting the procession, meeting or assembly under paragraph (a), be ordered to disperse by any police officer of or above the rank of sergeant and it shall thereupon be the duty of the members of the procession, meeting or assembly to disperse accordingly.

(2) Any police officer may, if it is necessary for the public security, use such force as may be necessary to disperse any procession, meeting or assembly ordered to be dispersed or prohibited under this section, which force may extend to the use of lethal weapons.



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