
主题:【抢一个】中国女队夺3000米短道速滑接力冠军 -- 牛铃

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家园 犯规的韩国选手似乎是打‘白头山‘标语的一个

Min-Jung Kim 金敏贞?



With South Korea and China battling for the lead late in the race, the teams went through an exchange of skaters that takes place every lap and a half.

South Korea's Min-Jung Kim began her brief turn on the track just ahead of China's Sun Linlin. Kim, however, cut in front of Sun and the Chinese skater was thrown off stride.

That resulted in the South Koreans opening a large lead, which they held all the way to the finish line.

Judges began looking at replays of the bump immediately following the race and after a lengthy consultation, during which the South Korean and Chinese athletes both skated around the arena holding their national flags, it was announced that the South Koreans had been disqualified.



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