家园 第一次写这么正式的文字。。。真难为你了。
而我在的第一个贴里的图片里,有说明:Biological Weapons: US Germ Warfare in Korea ... It was called the E73R or M115 bomb. Source: File 1280-secret (1953), Entry 1B, Box 256, RG 175, NA. ...
There was considerable activity surrounding the development of insect vectors and accompanying munitions to disseminate disease. A standardized biological weapon, the converted 500 lb. leaflet bomb (M16 or M115/E73R), also referred to as a feather bomb (since it used turkey feathers as a vector to carry disease), was available in large quantities for anti-crop use with a standardized cereal rust spore or as a tactical carrier with an anti-personnel agent capable of contaminating A supplies and equipment@ of the military supply system of enemy troops.(15) This converted leaflet bomb carrying insect vectors figured prominently in the Chinese and North Korean charges of US biological weapons attacks
你还是看贴不认真,起码文章已经中说到:当年国际科学委员会的观察员和顾问、意大利微生物学家佛朗哥 格雷齐奥西(葛法蓝),也是如今惟一健在的成员。他回国后护照被意大利警方剥夺。在后来的岁月里,葛法蓝接受过很多西方国家媒体的采访,他也一直坚持当年他在国际科学委员声明中的观点。
I went to China in 1952 wanting to assess the assertions of germ warfare being one reason. Without going into the evidence, I came away convinced that Chinese officials believed that the evidence was conclusive. On returning, Alan Watt my successor as permanent head of the Australian Department of External Affairs, informed me that in the light of my public statements he had sought a response from Washington and was informed that the United States had used biological weapons during the Korean war but only for experimental purposes."Dr. John Burton, letter of 12th April 1997
Western scholarship has tended to dismiss the Chinese and North Korean medical evidence. Recently declassified documents indicate that these dismissals were contrived. One of the most widely circulated of these dismissals was a 1952 report by three distinguished Canadian scientists instigated by the U.S. government. None of the three was on the government =s biological warfare panel. On the other hand, documents declassified in the mid-1990s indicate that the Canadian Department of External Affairs also sent the evidence to Prof. Guilford B. Reed, head of the Canadian biological warfare laboratories at Queens University and perhaps the leading expert on insect vectors in the coordinated Canadian and U.S. programs. Reed concluded in 1952 that the Chinese evidence was entirely feasible, and recommended that Minister of External Affairs Lester B. Pearson avoid public discussion of the scientific aspects of the charges. (42) This document was kept secret until 1996.
加拿大1996年才解密的文件,显示:这些文件的“失踪”是人为的,其中包括三位著名加拿大科学家1952年写的调查报告,因此他们在美国政府唆使下被解雇了。三人都不任职政府生物战小组。另一90年代中期解密的文件表明,加拿大对外事务部也提交证据给Prof. Guilford B. Reed,加拿大女王大学的生物战实验室负责人,也许领导加拿大和美国昆虫媒介计划的专家。Reed认为在中国在1952年的证据是完全可行合理的,但建议对外事务部长Lester B. Pearson不要做公开讨论。