
主题:【原创】管理案例分析:权力的真相1 -- wqnsihs

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家园 正像楼下说的:与虎谋皮!如果给喽罗们一笔创业奖金呢?


BTW,苹果公司的首席运营官(COO)Tim Cook 因为在 JOBS 生病期间表现极为优秀,2009的奖金是5百万美元!

Steve Jobs salary is $1. The cost of a six-month replacement for him? $5 million.

That's what Apple Chief Operating Officer Tim Cook was granted Wednesday as a reward for taking over while Jobs was on medical leave from January to June 2009, according to an SEC filing made by the company Friday.

The Apple board's compensation committee "unanimously approved a recommendation by Steve Jobs" to award Cook a one-time $5 million bonus as well as 75,000 restricted stock units as a thank you for "his outstanding performance," the filing reads.

Cook's generous bonus clearly demonstrates his value both to Apple and to his boss. Jobs has taken time to praise Cook for the work he did while Jobs was tending to his health last year, thanking him at public product unveilings as well as at the most recent Apple shareholder meeting.

While Jobs was out, Apple delivered two back-to-back blow-out quarters, as well as an updated iPhone OS, and new iPhone 3GS hardware. Under Cook, Apple also put the finishing touches on the company's new iPods, MacBooks, and Mac OS, which were released shortly after Jobs' return to the helm in late June.

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