
主题:温总答记者问中国是在和美国摊牌 -- 葡萄

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你想向银行贷款买房子,银行同意跟你认真谈谈贷款的条件和细节 ~~ 比如贷款数目丶还款期丶利率,而你就说银行口头答应给你贷款,谁知道银行会不会开出比高利贷还苛刻的条件?你一定受得了这些条件吗 ?

Sources: China to talk Iran sanctions

Powers mull response to Tehran’s suspected nuclear program

"China has agreed to sit down and begin serious negotiations here in New York ... as a first step toward getting the entire U.N. Security Council on board with a tough sanctions regime against Iran," Susan Rice, the American ambassador to the U.N., told CNN.

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