
主题:欧洲将死,G-2当立! 立此存照--in Feb. -- parishg

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家园 while 只是希腊没有啥石油和矿产资源,也没啥高新技术

but they are never short of incapability of seeing their own incompetence and inefficiency as well as European arrogance against Asians...

Some Greeks friends told me in early 2010 that "Germans will help us". OKAY! So finally they got Germany's middle-finger and was sent to the ER(emergency room) of IMF.

寄希望于风波快点扩展到其他欧洲国家了--ya, let's wait and see. 2010-11 will be THE SOVEREIGN BANKRUPTCY YEAR(s) OF THE ARROGANT EUROLAND.

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