主题:【求助】怎么将旧电脑的硬盘装到新电脑上 -- 巴山夜雨
共:💬38 🌺1
could be updated? with or without CPU resetting? Can you provide some further information about this? Thx in advance.
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😨哪里瞎掰了? Highway 字333 2004-12-08 14:15:57
😜满篇的绿脸,好看耶~~ 雪个 字186 2004-12-08 14:27:02
😭Firmware现在哪哪都是,Router,高档数码相机,游戏机, Highway 字530 2004-12-08 14:45:40
🙂Where did you learn that the automobile engin firmware
😉这种消息我看了很多,在Popular Science杂志上, Highway 字418 2004-12-09 20:38:36
🙂Thx le. ghostmaster 字0 2004-12-31 02:15:56
😥这个,公司里有专业的系统管理员吧,何不去找他们呢? 雪个 字0 2004-12-08 11:18:40
😁他那是家里的电脑,里面全是“见不得人”的东西, Highway 字139 2004-12-08 12:24:28