
主题:【原创】钱学森八卦之一:童养媳钱学英 -- 黄河故人

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家园 钱学森的入籍纪录很容易找

张纯如的《Thread of the Silkworm》里面 P293,note 143。

143 he applied for U.S. citizenship: FBI report (file number 65-4857), September 22, 1950, folder LA23-24, "investigative Case Files"; Declaration of intention to become a U.S. citizen (no. 329866 at U.S. District Court in Boston), April 5, 1949, national Archives, New England Regional Branch.

这个应该比较权威了,张纯如还是有credit的。再要核实,就只能去national Archives, New England Regional Branch翻拍照片了。

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