
主题:【原创】焦头烂额:印度的英联邦运动会开幕在即 -- daharry

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家园 流浪狗也来凑热闹

放狗搜一下 "stray dog found on athlete bed",到处是这新闻。其实三哥是在体现动物保护的精神。再说西方人士爱狗如命,连吃狗肉都跳起来抗议。 如今友情赠送宠物狗,咋还不要呢?

The Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) has presented photo evidence of a stray dog jumping on a bed in the Games Village. The CGF now wants all stray dogs to be removed from the Village site.

最可恶的是这个,不是自由民主平等博爱吗? 运动员还没来,工人睡一下空床还唧唧歪歪? 如若阿Q在印度,该回英国佬一句,“和尚摸得我摸不得?你们睡得我睡不得?”

Moreover, delegates from England and Scotland say they saw workers sleeping on beds meant for players

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