
主题:【原创】印度崛起:神话与现实 -- 晨枫

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家园 BBC 上的评论

comment by hizento (U8679012)

posted 7 Hours Ago

Hundreds of malunirished men look like they been dragged off the streets bea

ting at old dirty drums. The performance lack coordination, flamboyant and e

scapacism, there were long delays between shows, there is no "wow" factor, s

ome of the ideas are not original, ie the firework display, the children pai

nting a cloth (remember Manchester 2002?), the use of projectors highlightin

g the country's history. Would have been a OK event 40 years ago. Definately

no Beijing.

comment by hizento (U8679012)

posted 7 Hours Ago

The crowd look a bit bored as well, some resting their chins on their elbow,

not animated like you would expect from what should be a country's comming

out party. The stadium doesnt look full. I'm shocked they spent billions on

this show.

comment by just_another_person (U14634017)

posted 7 Hours Ago

I think you need to stop comparing it to Beijing over and over again. Apprec

iate the effort put in by the performers & workers, despite the earlier disa

ppointment by the CWG developers. I think the stadium looks absolutely spect

acular and the performance was brilliant. good job to sincere workers, and s

hame to the corrupt politicians that disgraced the country. however, i think

you need start appreciating the ceremony as opposed to FINDING the negative

s at this point. Come on, the athletes themselves are saying that the villag

e is great!

comment by ACT INDIA (U14634047)

posted 7 Hours Ago

India,the Aspiring World No.1 Nation Puts in Awesome & Colossal Display at C

ommon Wealth Games Opening Ceremony!

More Enthralling than Fifa Cup !


comment by craigwoods (U14634234)

posted 5 Hours Ago

Wow! The rising superpower, India! What an amazing show! Absolutely marvelou

s. I feel it is at par or may be even better than the Beijing Olympics. Keep

it up India.

comment by hizento (U8679012)

posted 5 Hours Ago

I thought the speech was very long and boring. The second half of the show d

id picked up, the highlight for me was the yoga and the figure elavated from

the platform. It is colourful with lots of dancing, very chaotic. It doesnt

have the slick presentation of the Olympics or the artistic, grandeur and t

echnical difficulties seen in Beijing 2008. In the end it was a carnival atm

osphere. For me Delhi 2010 ceremony promote India as place for travel destin

ation rather than a nation on the verge of becomming a superpower.

comment by ruchikas (U14634258)

posted 5 Hours Ago

Sorry to say, Mr Edwards of BBC.... our ambition is much different from Chin


We are the biggest democracy and they the biggest "non-democracy"....

Our ambition is every bit democratic and that's the reason the world did see

the negativism in the Indian media and Delhiites... But no one could say a

word against the Chinese government.

For all the rampant development and the social cost and everything else that

was wrong in China, the world only saw the good side, not so for Delhi. smi


Living, Rising, Marching, Winnning.

Jai democracy! smiley

comment by hizento (U8679012)

posted 4 Hours Ago

Jai, the problem is Delhi shows not the good but what has gone wrong with In

dia's democracy. People in India is poorer than China despite having 65 year

s of democracy. In India true democracy only exist for the 10 percent of peo

ple in the upper caste system, but then again just because a country calls t

hemselves democracy does does not automatically means better living conditio

n and also just because a country is a communist one party government doesnt

mean it is like North Korea or former Soviet Russia.

comment by Rickydavie (U2341331)

posted 4 Hours Ago

Brilliant!!!! I want to go to India. I think the Olympics should take note o

n how India has presented itself. It is important to win but it is more impo

rtant to be part of the event.

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comment by Gav (U11986696)

posted 4 Hours Ago


I wonder if you have ever been to india or know anything about it. I have li

ved their for many years - worked with Indians. Gentleman commented above is

absolutely right - the way Indian media went after the event is the proof o

f democracy at work - something you would never see in China. Point you made

about more poor in India than China - fact remains all we know is through m

edia. And media in China is only allowed to show what communists want world

to see - whereas India is a different story. Take my word - next 3-4 decades

will be India's - as manufacturing picks up India is on way to grab its sha

re of world's wealth - as it did 4 centuries ago..

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comment by Rickydavie (U2341331)

posted 4 Hours Ago

Than you for your comment

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comment by ebrill (U14634299)

posted 4 Hours Ago

Brilliant India, but again things are spoilt by the inane chattering of the

commentators when we are perfectly able to see what is happening but are una

ble to enjoy the colourful music because of their constant superfluous chatt

er so much so they drowned out the supposed cheers that heralded the entry o

f the Welsh sports team, also the constant switching to speak to contestants

which didn't contribute anything to the ceremony that we were watching but

was both fatuous & irritating steam

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comment by hizento (U8679012)

posted 4 Hours Ago

Gav, have you ever been to China? Indian media depend on what you read but I

bet there is Indian media that is highly critical of western media reportin

g on the negative new. I have witnessed opression in the name of democracy.

Chinese media and governments never denied negative news it is just that the

re is on balance more postive than negative. The Chinese PM visited Greece t

oday, while spporting the EU and its currency he explicited said, like in al

l previous government report, that China's per capita income is 1/8th of Gre

ece and his coountry is still a developing country. I would never expect Ind

ia PM to say anything like that except beating his chest about being the nex

t superpower. This is stypical of India's over confident, exaggeration and c

orruption and because they claim they are a democracy everyone are free to t

ell lies. What I do know is many Chinese cities on the east coast citizens a

re well fed, has high standard of living, free to say and do anything they w

ant, can marry who they want. I cant saythe same for even the richest Indian

city. What I see are gelaming skyscrapers, wide road and luxury cars in Sha

nghai but all I see in New Delhi are slums and poor whose only pocessions ar

e the rags on their backs.

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