
主题:美国精英对美国选票制度的批判。 -- dolong

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Chomsky’s lecture at the Istanbul Conference on Freedom of Speech The Comment Factory

October 19, 2010 by admin

Admin: This is the full text of Chomsky’s recent lecture in Istanbul, Turkey.

The title of one of our earlier sessions was Cogito, “I think.” That may serve as a useful reminder that even more fundamental than the right of free expression is the right to think. And that has not gone unchallenged. Right here for example. I suppose the most famous case is that of Ismail Besikci, who has endured many years in prison on the charge of having committed “thought crimes.” And even worse, for having dared to put his thoughts into words, in his documentation of crimes against the Kurds in Syria, Iran, Iraq — and finally Turkey, the unpardonable offense.


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