
主题:从萧条到繁荣,再到萧条 -- 西瓜子

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家园 败坏了美国两百年来单纯质朴的政治传统

wooow... big hat falling down.

Have those stupid red neck heard about Edgar Hoover?? What Hoover did will easily scare the shit out of them.

The lying, and playboy president JFK?

The "family-man" president who had a secret affair with his own former secretary: Ike Eisenhower?


--have they read the story about the Federalist party? Have they read about Thomas Jefferson, who stabbed his former ally in the Congress, the guy who had a secret affair with his beautiful slave servant, but denied his own kids with personal liberty?

American politicians were, are and will be dirty since the birth of this republic. They are just like average Joes on the street, just with a different profession.

What is politics? Politics IS 为小集团牟暴利, politics is about reallocation of economic resources through a NON-market based mechanism. Nobody in this business is perfectly "clean".

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