
主题:cited article, 中国除了不断地说“不”之外 -- parishg

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家园 the author is former deputy

mayor of Tianjing.

This article is from a mainland website.


-- it will not be enough to solve the trade imbalance problem.

BTW, the largest surplus nation is not China, it is actually Germany. Another large surplus nation is Japan.

Transfer of technology can not solve the problem for Germany and Japan. BTW, Germany's trade surplus mainly comes from PIIGs nations, not America.

The fundamental problem is a national currency should not serve as the global trade payment and global reserve currency. If USD continues to serve as the global reserve currency, the Triffin's dilemma is going to haunt America and the global financial system again in 20-30 years. One alternative is going back to gold standard. But the global gold reserve is not large enough for today's world.

Another fundamental problem: if we reform the current system, how to ensure that there will be no disruption in the global trade which will result in big contraction in each nation's GDP (just like in early 1930s)?

Any too dramatic change will have serious implication for China's unemployment rate and domestic stability.

You fail to capture the main point of the post.

China will sooner or later lead the world and China needs to propose a better system for the world. China needs talents who can reframe the global financial system and sell a better solution to ALL nations.

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