
主题:【原创】飞腾的火焰-萨珊波斯四百年(不定期填坑) -- 赫克托尔

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家园 这问题前面讨论过,此马兹达就是彼马自达


The origin and meaning of 'Mazda'

The company's name, "Mazda," derives from Ahura Mazda, a god of the earliest civilizations in West Asia. We have interpreted Ahura Mazda, the god of wisdom, intelligence and harmony, as the symbol of the origin of both Eastern and Western civilizations, and also as a symbol of automobile culture. It incorporates a desire to achieve world peace and the development of the automobile manufacturing industry. It also derives from the name of our founder, Jujiro Matsuda.


马自达的 logo 是鹰翼,恰好是阿胡拉-马兹达的座驾。

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