
主题:【原创】漫谈北美动物(1):河狸生平 -- 浣花岛主

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家园 好cute的小东西。


以前老人们常讲贵重的毛皮是貂皮和水獭皮。我一度觉得河狸和水獭是近亲呢。刚刚查了一下,水獭和河狸根本是两回事,(Otter vs beaver)


1. The otter is a carnivore.

2. The beaver is an herbivore.

3. The otter belongs to the order Carnivora.

4. The beaver belongs to the order Rodentia.

5. The otter is related to the weasel.

6. The beaver is related to the rat.

7. The otter is longer, thinner, and has a tapered tail.

8. The beaver is shorter, stockier, and has the tell tale long, flat tail.

9. Beavers live in dams.

10. Otters live in holts.

11. Beavers prefer shallower waters with two shore lines (if possible).

12. Otters live along the edge of hunting grounds.

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