
主题:【原创】撤侨!中国人每逢大事就团结的特质还是在 -- 抱朴仙人

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家园 就咱中国工人排队整齐地等待上机/上船的气势,


But what strikes me is the efficiency and order and calm. Nobody was arguing with the airline staff, objecting to orders, struggling with too many bags and bulky packages. Rather just a line of calm, single men with small cases, waiting patiently to be told what to do and where to go.

It occurred to me, is this the future?


As 200 men lined up in a silent single file that snaked through duty-free, with nobody eyeing all the luxuries on display, waiting for a man with a Chinese flag to raise his arm and tell them to move, I didn’t know whether to be filled with admiration or trepidation.

I did think, we better keep them on our side.


原文:China organizes hasty retreat from Libya


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