
主题:【Unbelievably cool】海监驱逐越南窃油船 -- 李根

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[号外] 中国海上城管6月9日悍然再次剪断越南勘探船电缆



Spokewoman of Vietnam’s Foreign Ministry comfirmed China’s fishing boats cutting the cable of Vietnam’s seismic vessel this morning (9 June 2011).



    Ms. Nguyen Phuong Nga confirmed in the press conference this afternoon: at 6 am on 9/6, PetroVietnam’s Viking ship was conducting exploration activities, a Chinese fishing vessel with the number of 6226, and two fishing vessels with the numbers of 311 and 303 approached with high speed.

    在记者会上,Nguyen Phuong Nga女士证实:6月9日早上6点越南石油的Viking地震测量船正在进行勘探活动,一艘编号为6226的中国渔政船,和其他两艘渔政船311、303号高速接近。


    Viking 02 ship flared to signal but China’s fishing vessel still came close and cut cable and equipment of Viking 02, but cable-cutting equipment of China’s vessel got stuck in the cables. Later, 2 other China’s fishing vessel came in to rescue 6226 vessel.




    Mrs Nga said the location where the incident occurred (136/03 lots at coordinates 6o47, 5 North, 109o17, 5 East) is entirely within Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone in accordance with international law.

    Nga 女士说,根据国际法,事件发生地136/03 ,北纬6度47分,东经109度17分,完全位于越南专属经济区之内。


    Mrs Nga emphasized that this is a deliberate act, carefully calculated and prepared by China.



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