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主题:【原创2】关于中共的5个谜团/全文手打输入中英对照/ -- jackrain
Title: 5 Myths about the Chinese Communist Party
Source: Foreign Policy, 40th Annuversary Special Issue, Jan/Feb 2011
Author: Richard Mcgregor, former Beijing Bureau chief of the Financial Times
作者:理查德 麦克格瑞戈 , 金融时报北京站前主编
1. “China Is Communist in Name Only.”
WRONG. If Vladimir Lenin were reincarnated in 21st-century Beijing and managed to avert his eyes from the city’s glittering skyscrapers and conspicuous consumption, he would instantly recognize in the ruling Chinese Communist Party a replica of the system he designed nearly a century ago for the victors of the Bolshevik Revolution. One need only look at the party’s structure to see how communist – and Leninist – China’s political system remains.
错! 如果弗拉季米尔列宁重生于21世纪的北京, 并且将他的目光从灿烂的摩天大楼和巨大的消费经济上移开,他将立刻认出,处于支配地位的中国共产党,不过是他一个世纪前为布尔什维克革命的胜利者们设计的系统的一个翻版。任何人只要看一眼这个党的结构就能明白,共产主义的中国政治体系,或者说,列宁主义的中国政治体系,是如何维持的。
Sure, China long ago dumped the core of the communist economic system, replacing rigid central planning with commercially minded state enterprises that coexist with a vigorous private sector. Yet for all their liberalization of the economy, Chinese leaders have been careful to keep control of the commanding heights of politics through the party’s grip on the “three Ps”: personnel, propaganda, and the People’s Liberation Army.
是的, 中国很早以前就已经放弃了共产主义经济体系的核心,用具备商业竞争意识的国营企业和生机勃勃的私营机构代替了僵化的中央计划经济。但是为了他们经济上的自由,中国的领导者们运用党能理解的“3P”理论:人才,宣传,和军队,非常谨慎地保留了对高层政治的控制权。
The PLA is the party’s military, not the country’s. Unlike in the West, where controversies often arise about the potential politicization of the military, in China the party is on constant guard for the opposite phenomenon, the depoliticization of the military. Their fear is straightforward: the loss of party control over the generals and their troops. In 1989, one senior general refused to march his soldiers into Beijing to clear students out of Tiananmen Square, an incident now seared into the ruling class’s collective memory. After all, the army’s crackdown on the demonstrations preserved the party’s hold on power in 1989, and its leaders have since worked hard to keep the generals on their side, should they be needed to put down protests again.
(jackrain评论:这一段及其恶毒,完全是在千方百计挑起中国的内乱。 将党和国家对立, 党和军队对立,将党和领军的将士们对立。多看看西方JY这样的反华文章,就能真正明白,毛主席强调的“党领导枪”和“枪杆子里面出政权”是多么英明的政策了。)
As in the Soviet Union, the party controls the media through its Propaganda Department, which issues daily directives, both formally on paper and in emails and text messages, and informally over the phone, to the media. The directives set out, often in detail, how news considered sensitive by the party – such as the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo – should be handled or whether it should be run at all.
和前苏联一样(就差没说和希特勒一样了,呵呵。不过和希特勒的类比,肯定是少不了的),党通过宣传部控制媒体(中宣部被点名了。有木有! 有木有!可惜啊,要是中宣部真这么彪悍,我也不用这么辛苦自带干粮当五毛了)。宣传部每天给新闻媒体发布新闻指导方针,包括通过文件,电子邮件和短消息正式发布的,以及通过电话非正式发布的。(现在的新闻媒体,有指导方针还出来这么多南方系的垃圾,没指导方针还不知道乱成什么样了。对文科生的教育,实在是任重道远啊!) 这些指导方针,通常非常详细地规定了党认为敏感的新闻,比如刘三百获颁炸药奖的新闻,应该如何处理,或者这样的敏感新闻是否应当发布。
Perhaps most importantly, the party dictates all senior personnel appointments in ministries and companies, universities and the media, through a shadowy and little-known body called the Organization Department. Through the department, the party oversees just about every significant position in every field in the country. Clearly, the Chinese remember Stalin’s dictate that the cadres decide everything.
Indeed, if you benchmark the Chinese Communist Party against a definitional checklist authored by Robert Service, the veteran historian of the Soviet Union, the similarities are remarkable. As with communism in its heyday elsewhere, the party in China has eradicated or emasculated political rivals, eliminated the autonomy of the courts and media, restricted religion and civil society, denigrated rival versions of nationhood, centralized political power, established extensive networks of security police, and dispatched dissidents to labor camps. There is a good reason why the Chinese system is often described as “market-Leninism.”
实际上,如果你把中国共产党和来自前苏联经验丰富的历史学家,罗伯特舍维斯所编写的定义列表对照一下,(两者之间)可以说是惊人的相似。和共产主义全盛时期的其他地方一样, 中国共产党要么根除,要么削弱了其政治上的对手,取消了司法和新闻的独立性,限制了宗教和世俗社会(的发展),污蔑对手的民族性,集中了政治权利,建立了广泛的秘密警察网络,并且还把持不同政见者流放到劳改营去。这也是为什么中国人的体制经常又被称作“市场列宁主义”的原因。
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🙂我就说一条~ 板砖黄 字237 2011-06-29 21:57:08
🙂3P是日本鬼子的说法 配额他 字21 2011-06-27 19:17:53
🙂我爱党爱国,但并不觉得人家说得有什么不妥。事实不就是这个 15 presario2200 字339 2011-06-25 23:41:21
🙂从西方的文章里发现不足 月下 字29 2011-06-27 21:10:48
🙂同意你,支持你 1 骨头龙 字540 2011-06-27 19:01:53
🙂光戴个爱党爱国的帽子就可以了么? 1 配额他 字50 2011-06-27 19:22:26
🙂投草的权利不是每个人都有的,所以对于被投草者来说,这本身 1 arcky 字56 2011-06-27 21:13:12