
主题:【原创】十字架与火焰 君士坦丁堡与泰西封的双重奏 6 -- 赫克托尔

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家园 塔巴里史里面关于巴五和嚈哒之战的内容,另有剧透


The first ruler to set himself up as a rival to Bahram in power was Khaqan, the king of the Turks, who attacked baharam with a army of 250 000 turks. News of Khaqan’s approaching their land with a powerful force reached the Persians. It appeared to them a catastrophe and terrified them. A group of the Persian great men of state, known for their firm judgment and their solicitude for the masses of the people, went into Bahram’s presence and told him “O king, there has suddenly come upon you the calamitous appearance of the enemy, and this should be enough to rouse you from the pleasure and merrymaking in which you are sunk. So get ready to tackle it, least we become afflicted by something which will entail revilement and shame for you.” Bahram merely replied, “God, our lord, is powerful, and we are under his protection,” and he only increased in his exclusive pursuit of pleasure and merry-making. But then he fitted out an expedition and proceed to Azerbaijan. In order to worship at the fire temple there, then to Armenia to seek game for hunting in its thickets and to enjoy himself on the way. He was accompanied by a group of seven of the great men of state and the nobles plus three hundred mighty and courageous men from his personal guard. He left one of his brothers, called Narsi, to act as his governor over the kingdom.

When the people heard about Bahram’s expedition and his appointment of his brother as his deputy to govern the kingdom, they felt sure that this was an act of flight from his enemy and an act of abandonment of his kingdom. They took counsel together and resolved to send an embassy to Khaqan and to undertake that they would pay him tribute, out of fear that he would invade their land and would annihilated their own troops unless they showed themselves submissive to him by handing the money over. Khaqan heard about what the Persians had agreed uopm, that hey would submit and show themselves submissive to him, so he gave a guarantee of security for their land and ordered his army to hold back. Bahram, however, had sent forward a spy to bring back to him information about Khaqan; the spy now returned and told him about Khaqan’s doings and intentions. So Bahram marched against him with the force accompanying him and fell on him by night, killing Khaqan with his own hand and spreading slaughter among Khaqan’s troops. those who escaped being killed were put to flight and showed their backs. They left behind their encampment, their wives and children and their baggage. Bahram exerted himself assiduously in hunting them down, killing them, gathering up the plunder he had seized from them and enslaving their women and children, and returned with his own army intact.


Toward the end of his life, Bahram went to Mah for hunting there. One day he rode out to the chase, fastened tenaciously onto a wild ass and pursued it closely. But he fell into a pit and sank into the mud at the bottom. When his mother heard of that accident, she hurried along to that pit, and ordered that the money should be paid out to whoever might rescue Bahram from the hole. They excavated a vast amount of earth and mud from the pit, until they had made a number of large mounds from this; but they were never able to find Bahram’s corpse.


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